List of my projects, all of these I would be down to split with! (Except for the discontinued ones)

Shitstench - Goregrind
Amorphous Ptoma On Decay - Gorenoise
Adipocere Formation During Rigor Mortis - Gorenoise
Diarrhea On The Cross - Raw Black Metal
Salpingo-Oophorectomy - Gorenoise
Abdominal Liquification - Gorenoise (R.I.P. 2015-2016)
Meatotomy - Brutal Slamming Death Metal
Urothorax Due To Traumatic Rupture Of The Subpyelic Ureter - Gorenoise (R.I.P. 2015-2017)
Scrotum Helmet - Pornogrind
Pulpified Genital Junk- Gorenoise (R.I.P. 2016-2017)
Penile Myiasis - Gorenoise
Rectum Urolagnia Congenital - Coprogorenoise/grind
Bullous Pemphigoid Presenting As Dry Gangrene In A Revascularized Limb - Gorenoise
Slow Aching Digestion Of Oversized Sacrococcygeal Teratoma Resulting In Odynophagia - Gorenoise

Hydronephrotic Organ Defect - Gorenoise
Spirometra Erinaceieuropaei - Gorenoise
Debilitating Pancreatic Insufficiency - Gorenoise
Upper Jejunal Adhesions With Acid Bile Diarrhea - Gorenoise

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